How to plan a safari elopement

safari elopement wedding tanzania africa

Immerse yourself in nature during your Africa elopement wedding, by going for a safari elopement. But how does that work? Let me help you with some insider tips and tricks on how to plan your safari elopement.

There are several things you should be taking into consideration when planning such an amazing adventure. I’ve put together this blog to give couples who want to plan a safari elopement wedding in Africa, a head start.

Africa elopement locations

There are many options when it comes to picking the best safari elopement wedding destination. Countries like Botswana, Tanzania, Kenya, Namibia and South Africa can all provide you with a unique experience. Answering the questions below, might help you narrow down your options.

Best time to elope in Africa 

I always say that there’s no such thing as a shitty day in Africa, especially not when it comes to the weather. I love a rainy day in the bush, it makes for great images! However, if you are dead-set on not raining out during your Africa safari elopement then taking rainy seasons into account is a must do. This can filter out some destinations in certain times of the year.

How much does a safari elopement in Africa cost?

Safari elopements are not only for the very wealthy of this world. Not at all. There are many different levels of rugged vs. luxury and attached budgets to be found across the continent. For example, a bush camp in South Africa is more affordable than a luxury lodge in the middle of Botswana’s Okavango Delta. The costs you are saving by not opting for a highly overpriced wedding venue in the Western world, do give you some scope for being able to afford a safari elopement in Africa.

safari elopement wedding tanzania africa

Remote safari elopement

Off the grid? Or a bit closer to civilisation? If you are wanting to watch your budget for example, then having your safari elopement in a location that is fairly easy to get to, is key. Once your photographer or any other possible vendors have to charter in with a private Cessna airplane for instance, then this can become quite a costly exercise.

Safari elopement in Africa: National Park rules

Now this is an important one if you want to have photographs taken with wildlife in the background. In most National Parks it is forbidden and also dangerous to get outside of the safari vehicle while out on a safari drive. This means that you won’t be able to take photos in the landscape. There are a handful National Parks in Africa where you can, though. Private reserves however make their own rules, of course with safety precautions in mind. The likelihood of you being allowed out of the vehicle is larger in a reserve that does not inhabit lions.  

These are some examples of safari lodges in Africa suitable for an elopement

Ant’s Hill, at Ant Africa Safaris, South Africa
Mhondoro, at Welgevonden Game Reserve, South Africa
Hatari Lodge, Arusha National Park, Tanzania

safari elopement south africa

Safari elopement photographer South Africa 

Finding wildlife during a safari elopement is one thing, being able to navigate around it for the best photographic result is a whole different ballgame. Find yourself a photographer that knows the bush. That can understand and read animal behaviour. My qualification as a trained wildlife guide always comes in handy when taking photos with couples and wildlife. 

The number one condition though, is always putting the safety of the wildlife and the safety of you as a couple above everything else. 

safari elopement south africa

There are many factors that come in to play when you want to plan the safari elopement. I’ve made it my specialty, so feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss your vision with me.

These are a three of many examples of Africa safari elopements, by LOTTY H. Elopements:

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